
Checking Out The Nan Hua Temple in Bronkhorstspruit


The Nan Hua Buddhist Temple in Bronkhorstspruit is a little bit of a drive from our beloved city, but well-worth the visit. Offering free temple tours and meditation retreats, it’s a chance to balance your mind, body and spirit in a tranquil, culturally rich space. Here’s why you need to visit. Also, don’t miss their 2025 Chinese New Year Cultural Festival this February!

About Nan Hua Temple

This is truly a hidden gem in the middle of nowhere. About 70km north-east of Johannesburg and just a stone’s throw away from OR Tambo International Airport lies the serene and breathtaking Nan Hua Temple. It’s a unique attraction, a non-profit organisation and the largest Buddhist temple and seminary in Africa. Translated from Mandarin, the name means “Southern Flower”, which refers to the location of the temple and symbolises virtue and beauty. How beautiful is that sentiment? Here, you can join in on meditation sessions, chanting, precept ceremonies, light offerings and other events.

Other than their glorious grounds and intricate architecture, the heart and soul of the temple is to bring serenity, calm, peace and happiness to those who visit. To spread the love and generosity they get from visitors, the Nan Hua Temple contributes to many annual donation projects, including winter donation schemes (collecting and donating blankets, food and clothes for the poor), hot lunches at schools (feeding schemes), computer donations, wheelchair donations and many more.

Nan Hua Temple’s Tours Are A Must!

The temple is spectacular, so, of course, a guided tour is an absolute must. Taking place every Sunday from 13:00, there are plenty of points of interest that you’ll get to experience along the way, including the Temple Gongs, the large white Temple Lions (AKA The temple protectors), the Pu Hsien Shrine, Kuan Yin Bodhisatva, the Armillary Sphere, the Stupa and more. The cost of the tour? FREE. A vegetarian lunch is served on Sundays too, at the cost of R30 per person. This makes for a lovely day out without spending a fortune.

They Offer Retreats

Throughout the year Nan Hua offers retreats, during which you’ll practice meditation and mindfulness techniques that can be applied to everyday life. All of your basic needs will be taken care of within a safe environment at the retreat, giving you the chance to bestow your undivided attention on finding the answers you seek and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit.

Nan Hua meditation retreats allow you to let go of your day-to-day responsibilities, to rest and restore your energies and focus on your inner-development and spiritual growth. Meditation is a wonderful way to nurture your inner peace and creativity.

For dates of their upcoming retreats, click here.

Don’t Miss Their Annual Cultural Events

The Nan Hua Temple also hosts spectacular annual events that you don’t want to miss, including:

  • Chinese New Year Cultural Festival (February)
  • Bathing Buddha Ceremony
  • Ceremony of Light and Peace (September)
  • New Year’s Eve Sky Lantern Offering Ceremony

These events aim to spread the joy, awareness and understanding of Chinese and Buddhist culture.

Chinese New Year Cultural Festival

Date: Sunday, 02 February 2025 from 09:30 to 15:00

Join the Nan Hua Template in Bronkhorstspruit for their ever-popular and stunning Chinese New Year Cultural Festival. Entry is FREE and you can spend the day exploring the temple. Viewing the stunning architecture and enjoying the various multicultural displays. There’ll also be plenty of Chinese, Cantonese and Taiwanese cuisine to savour, as well as a Lion and Dragon dancing display.

chinese new year

For More Information About The Nan Hua Temple

For more information about the Nan Hua Temple, visit, call 013 931 0009 or email

Also, don’t forget to follow them on Facebook.

Photographs have been taken by Kim Brown or provided by Nan Hua Temple.

UPCOMING EVENTS RELATED TO Checking Out The Nan Hua Temple in Bronkhorstspruit


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