
The Coolest Daddy Bloggers To Follow In 2019


Dad blogging has taken off in South Africa in recent years, as parents of every kind have called on the quirky wisdom of fathers to help them through the many challenges of raising tiny humans. Whether you are a parent or not, as we head deeper into 2019, the wise musings of dads could be exactly what you need to make it through. So, we have dug around the blogosphere to find the cream of crop for you. Here are our top daddy bloggers to follow this year. 

The Good, The Bad and The Daddy

Matthew Savides, AKA The Daddy, started his blog shortly after the birth of his daughter in 2016. He writes comical reviews on children’s cartoons, advice columns for new dads and incredibly honest accounts of the mistakes he has made as a first time parent. If your child is a devoted fan of the Teletubbies or Peppa Pig, this blog should be your go-to. Matthew also writes for TimesLIVE, Times Select and occasionally the Sunday Times.

Visit The Good, The Bad and The Daddy blog page for more information.

The Don Father

Don Dinnematin is father to a three-year-old daughter and another on the way. He is also the creator of the #IncludeDads initiative. The campaign aims to have “Moms and Tots” parking signs at shopping centres changed to include dads. Over and above this, Don is a brand ambassador for #CarSeatFullStop, helping to raise awareness of the importance of car seats.

Follow this dad on a mission on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Or, visit The Don Father blog page for more information.

dad with newborn

Daddy Blogger

Mike Said is a proud single dad, marketer, public speaker and ‘part time adrenaline junky’. His blog offers moms and dads of older children a helping hand. All in all, Mike’s blog posts are reflections of his experience as a single father to a pre-teen girl. He frequently dedicates sweet posts to her, too.

Catch up with the Daddy Blogger on Facebook or via email. Visit his blog page to share in the crazy journey of being a single parent.  

The Dad Coach

Craig Wilkinson is the ultimate go to guy for advice on being a dad. The author of “Dad – How to be the Father your Children Need” and “It’s a Dad!“, seasoned motivational speaker Craig offers pearls of dad wisdom on his blog page. He is also the founder of Father a Nation (FAN), an NPO which works to heal men of toxic masculinity. Although Craig’s two children are nearing adulthood and have recently left the nest, he nonetheless offers helpful tips and tricks for first time parents in his writings and videos.

Follow Craig on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Afro Daddy

Afro Daddy Terence Mentor is probably the most well-known South African daddy blogger. His two boys, born eighteen months apart, are often the inspiration behind his witty YouTube videos and blog posts. Terence has explained that the purpose of Afro Daddy is to celebrate the ‘duality of parenting’ – the fantastic, wonderful moments of parenthood, as well as the screaming awful ones. And, that’s exactly what he does in his blog, as he embraces all the highs and the lows of being a 21st century parent.

Check out Afro Daddy’s YouTube channel here or visit his blog page to have a good old laugh at a dad just trying to make it through the turbulence of raising two young boys.


The Dad Dude

The Dad Dude Terran Williams is father to four boys and a girl! Talk about true dedication to the dad cause. In his writings, he explains the decisions behind having five kids, how each child got their name and his journey to becoming the best dad he can be. His wife, Julie, also regularly contributes to the blog, so you are basically getting two-for-one parenting advice. Terran’s posts are heartfelt and honest, never shying away from even the most difficult of parenting topics.

Follow The Dad Dude on Facebook.

Two Dads and a Kid

Two Dads and a Kid is a joint venture by adoptive dads, Manii and Darren. While Manii writes about lifestyle events, food and parenting, Darren’s corner features motor reviews and fitness tips. Their blog page also includes helpful LGBTQ+ friendly adoption resources and advice for parents caring for differently abled children. Two Dads and a Kid is a wonderful reading and sharing platform for out-of-the-box type families.

Reach out to Two Dads and a Kid on Facebook and Instagram. 

UPCOMING EVENTS RELATED TO The Coolest Daddy Bloggers To Follow In 2019


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