What is the one thing that strikes fear and even tears to every South African? You guessed it – LOAD SHEDDING! Trust us, we also thought it was a thing of the past, but it seems we were wrong. Since we cannot avoid it, we might as well “embrace it” and prepare ourselves for those candlelit evenings when load shedding hits. Here’s our load shedding survival guide.

Rely on Loadshedding.com
In such turbulent energy scenarios, staying informed is not just about convenience; it’s about making crucial decisions for homes and businesses. That’s where Loadshedding.com steps in. They offer real time updates, comprehensive news, a user-friendly interface, and area-specific schedules – everything you need when it comes to load shedding in South Africa. Also, they’re trustworthy!
Find Your Closest Load Shedding Friendly Hotspot
You don’t need about missing your deadlines and meetings during load shedding. You can simply head to one of these remote working hotspots throughout Joburg! What’s better than grabbing a jot cuppa Joe and something delicious to eat, dodging the dreaded load shedding and keeping on top of all your tasks and deadline? Nothing! We promise you, you’ll feel invincible.

Download A Load Shedding App
There are a handful of load shedding apps out there, but what we have noticed that not many of them are accurate. So far, the one that seems to be hitting the nail right on the head regarding load shedding schedules is Load Shedding Notifier. It’s rather simple – just download it, add and set various zones that will be affecting you (home, work, other family households, etc) and you’re ready to be notified. There’s also the Eskom Se Push app if you’re looking to use and compare multiple schedule sources. Another great way to keep on top of the load shedding schedule is joining community Facebook pages if your suburb has one.
Fully Charge All Devices
Since you have downloaded a load shedding app, you’ll now know when to expect your next black out. With this is mind, make sure that you fully charge all of your devices – laptops, tablets, phones, Kindles, everything that can be charged – before the set times of your zone load shedding. That way, you don’t need to worry about flat batteries and being bored while you wait for the hours of darkness to pass. Another great “necessity” to invest in is a power bank!

Consider Buying A Generator
Own your own property? Don’t live in an apartment or flat? Then why not consider investing in a generator? Yes, they’re noisy. Yes, they’ll cost a some moola to run (most use petrol). And yes, they do cost a pretty penny (easily between R2 000 – R10 000 depending on size, wattage and fuel tank capacity) BUT at least you won’t be sitting in the dark and you’ll have a power source than can be used for many years to come. Most home and hardware outlets will stock generators, so make sure you head to Builders, Game, Leroy Merlin and Takealot. Don’t forget to pick up a few extension leads and adapters to “share the love“. Another source of power that’s more environmentally friendly than the generators is solar power. This seems to be becoming more popular in recent times.
Stock Up On Lighting Alternatives
If you cannot get a generator or simply just don’t want to spend a small fortune, there’s always the old-fashioned candles, flashlights and lanterns. Just don’t forget to get matches, a lighter or batteries while you’re at it or else this option is just not going to work! Candles, flashlights, batteries and lighters/matches can be bought practically anywhere – Checkers, Spar, Game, Shoprite, Pick n Pay – but as for the lanterns, rechargeable lights, and light adapters, you can find them at any outdoor or hardware outlets. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to install a few solar outdoor lights to light up your garden a little bit (just as an added safety measure).

Replace Electrical Appliances With Gas
There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to get dinner on the table due to load shedding. No power, no microwave, no stove, no kettle, nothing. But there is an alternative – gas stoves. Just like a generator, this option doesn’t come cheap, but it’s a good investment. A little too expensive? Then why not buy a portable stove top that you can connect to the generator? Again, check out Builders, Game, Leroy Merlin and Takealot for those stove tops. Have neither? Not to worry! You can always grab some charcoal, fire up the braai and tuck into some braai vleis. Or even make a potjie. Also important: if you get a gas stove, don’t forget to get a stove top kettle, that’s a lifesaver!
Power Banks Are Lifesavers
Since we are in the day and age where we use our cell phones for absolutely everything – alarm clocks, contacting people, checking load shedding schedules, ordering takeout, entertainment purposes, GPS, the flashlight function, etc – it’s essential that its battery life lasts. To ensure it does, get your hands on a power bank, charge it and have it on standby. Also, the more you have, the better! Visit Incredible Connection, Takealot, and Game to check out their selection of these lifesavers.

Stay Connected
Just because the power is out, doesn’t mean you cannot stream, surf the web or continue with your assignment or presentation that’s due tomorrow! Use a portable modem, a UPS, or 3G dongle to keep connected to the internet during bouts of load shedding. Most mobile networks and internet providers offer these nifty gadgets, so make sure you contact them or visit your nearest store to get yours ASAP. See, owning a dongle isn’t that bad!
A Pantry Full Of Snacks
Before everything else on this list, make sure that you jam-pack your pantry with lots and lots of snacks! That way, you won’t starve yourself due to not having electricity to cook up some dinner on the stove or in the microwave. It’s not the healthiest of meals, we know, but it’s a delicious way to pass the time.

Just Sleep Through It!
Or maybe you could save yourself all the time, effort and money ensuring you’re set, ready and prepared for the load shedding by just sleep through it! There’s no harm in getting in more sleep, is there? Before you know it, you’ll be awakened by the flash of lights turning back on. Or better yet, why not just go out into the city, find a spot with power and just hang out there with a couple of friends?