Everyone has the potential, and the right, to live the life of his or her dreams. Donna McCallum aka the Fairy Godmother helps and inspires individuals and organizations to identify their objectives, dreams and goals and the disciplines needed to achieve them.
Over the last three years Donna McCallum, the Fairy Godmother (www.fairygodmotherinc.com) has helped over 2000 individuals in South Africa, Europe and the USA to realise their dreams and goals and has helped small and big organisations like Nedbank, Mica Hardware, Estee Lauder, Sun International etc. align their teams and start getting the results that they want.
The Fairy Godmother’s talks, Possibility Evenings, Dream Mapping and Goal Setting Workshops are fun, light and magical and will have the audience enthralled as she takes you on a delightful journey of self-discovery and examination and gives you practical tools to turn goals into reality and get the results you want. Donna also MC’s events adding her sprinkle of Fairy Dust to make each event unique.
Fairy Godmother Inc. also runs ‘Growing Wings’ – a 12 week success training program, to help individuals actualise their goals and get the results they want.
Her success led to her being approached by South Africa’s largest publisher to write a book – “The Fairy Godmother’s Guide to Getting What you Want” is now available in stores throughout South Africa.
In 2009 Donna was nominated by the Mail and Guardian as one of the 300 most influential young South Africans.
Prior to being a Fairy Godmother, Donna McCallum was a successful entrepreneur who has started, run and sold a number of successful businesses in both Marketing and IT.
To attend one of her talks, workshops or book her to inspire your team, just follow the links alongside.