The world as we know it is changing, and in these times of global crises, it has never been more pertinent, for like minded people to ‘connect” with, and support each other and redefine the way we do business. CONNECTIONS facilitates networking events, with a view to benefiting guests as well as participating service providers, at a business, as well as personal level.
Changes manifest daily, as a paradigm shift affects our planet on a global scale. A paradigm shift takes place when things are viewed one way; then with new information, comes a new way of thinking, in response to this new information. New information has brought about a “Shift in Consciousness”, something that more and more people are exploring, referring to, and wanting to respond to; it is no longer a “woo woo “ term, reserved for the evangelists of the Aquarian age.
Massive change in every cultural institution – medicine, politics, business, education, religion and family is forcing us to change the way we operate, the way we do business and the way we interact with each other as human beings. More and more people are choosing to live sustainably, with an expanded awareness for each other and for our planet; a global wisdom has emerged that demands that we connect to each other meaningfully, like cogwheels in a machine.
The demands of this “next” age, are forcing us to adjust to change and challenge, in order to stay afloat. Old, prevailing solutions to business problems are no longer relevant, and new solutions are required that are based on new ways of thinking; these new ways of thinking will also serve as a foundation for new approaches to business and leadership.
CONNECTIONS exists with this background as a frame of reference; the fundamental purpose and intention being the sharing of relevant information with business owners, and leaders who are intent on responding to, and changing with these challenging times, and doing so in the spirit of a mutually beneficial business climate, based on the principles of partnerships and interdependency.
How does connections operate?
The model is straightforward. Monthly events are co-ordinated across the Gauteng region (the intention is to roll out nationally). These events afford service providers in the eventing industry an opportunity to showcase their products, services and talent; from exciting new venues requiring exposure, to streamlined and effective attendance logistics solutions, innovative décor, delicious dining, and elegant gifting solutions, as well as emerging new talent in the entertainment industry.
The rationale here is simple; we need to support the wealth of new creative and intellectual energy in our country, and this experiential marketing environment is the perfect forum for this. It affords all participating service providers an intimate and engaging marketing platform to make an impression and network with potential new clients.
Guest Benefits
• The exposure to these eventing service providers affords guests with an opportunity to ‘try before you buy”; thereby reducing risk associated with uninformed decisions, in their own business environments.
• The format of these events affords them with an opportunity for intimate business and social networking, and collaboration.
• An opportunity exists for the marketing of products and services, with relevant marketing collateral, by utilising the stylish gift bag that each guest receives.
• Underpinning the success of these events, is the shared information and content presented by the guest speaker, all carefully selected for their relevance in our changing business and social landscape.
• Guests are able to “experience” a speaker that may then be suitable for incorporation into a training programme, an executive development programme or “lunch and learn” sessions for their staff. In doing so, we ignite the change needed in our business communities, our country and the world (research indicates that the critical mass point for a shift in a community, a city, a country is 1%!)
We live in a world of expanded awareness, and we are privileged to be afforded an opportunity to be part of this emerging, holistic intelligence. CONNECTIONS facilitate initiatives that will assist in bringing about the changes needed in our personal lives, in our businesses and in our country. We encourage and invite you to become conscious participants in this journey.
CONNECTIONS welcome’s input from any service providers wishing to participate in this initiative, or from anyone wishing to be included on the guest invitation lists to these events.
For further information follow the links alongside.