The best would be to make this marinade the night before you intend marinating the meat.
- 2 cans tomato purée
- 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/3 cup lemon juice
- 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and finely chopped – remove the ribs of the chilli for less heat.
- 2 tsp beef stock cubes
- 1 tsp meat tenderiser
Over high heat pop all ingredients into a sauce pan. Stir every now and then and keep it boiling for 20 minutes. Turn the heat down to low and let it thicken without the lid on the pot for another 15 minutes.
After it’s done, let it cool down in the fridge. Marinade your meat for five hours before moving them to the braai.
Sit back and enjoy!