
A Metrosexual Guide To Joburg


We live in the age of fast cars, fast internet and fast beards and fancy shoes. The days when a guy would splash diesel on his pits and knock back a couple of years with a toothbrush has come and gone.


You can be the man who chops down trees with a single blow, wielding your axe while rocking a lumberjack’s flannel plaid shirt and draw the stares. It’s 2018 for crying out loud. We are men and we like to work hard, play hard and look good while we’re at it. With that said, here’s Joburg’s guide to getting your flash on.


The Whiskers

Smooth sailing, bum fluff or big beard, what you take off or leave on maketh the man. Freedom Hair in Melville is what you need. Boyben Barnardo and the boys (and girl) will hook you up with the best shave, the coolest trim and the sexiest snip around town. There is a reason why they’ve made this article – Freedom Hair is where the cut is at. Book yourself in for one of the top shaves in town and enjoy some of the best coffee not served at a cafe.

The Clothes

Bespoke. That word carries more weight than you’d think. Tailors such as Frank Bespoke will hook you up with the threads you need to turn the heads. Have the best tailor in town  hook you up with one or two outfits that will have you strut your stuff.  As cool as apple bottom jeans and boots with  fur tops might look on others it doesn’t mean you should jump into the fashion fire too. Find your own way and others will want to trample down your path.

The Skin

The skin you live in needs to last you for a while, so stop being stubborn and take care of it. Sorbet Man just launched a skincare and body range that will bring true joy to your epidermis. We can tell you all about the active ingredients and stuff, but who cares… all you need to know is that it works. Straight to the point. The range includes products that will make you feel fresh and smooth. ’nuff said.

By Shawn Greyling

Have you tried any of these metrosexual grooming spots? Let us know in the comments section below. Sharing is caring so show your buddies how cool is. 

Remember that our “Top Picks” are not paid for and are compiled at the discretion of the journalist. We only write about what we love.


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