How did The Beauty Box come about?
The idea originated from a need to find all beauty treatments under one roof. As a busy working mom, it was difficult to fit individual treatments and hair appointments into my busy week. I then decided to start a business – a beauty box of treatments.
Have you always been in the beauty industry or did you change industries? Tell us more.
I wasn’t in the beauty industry, but I have been active in my own business and the service industry for many years. I really learned from the bottom up, but applied all my knowledge and my experience in client and customer relations to its full extent.
What are some of the challenges and thrills that come with running a business in the beauty industry?
Challenges have been few. Initially, employing the correct therapists and creating a fabulous work environment was difficult. I believe I now have the most super-talented and dedicated therapists and staff around. I also had to define my business and figure out what I wanted to achieve at what cost. I work seven days a week and am very hands-on. I try every new treatment and every new product first. I constantly send my therapists on courses to up-skill and to keep my salon vibrant and fresh with new ideas.
Does The Beauty Box also cater to men or is it exclusively for women?
We definitely cater to men and have regular couples who visit, especially for pedicures and couples massages.
Do you run any other businesses aside from The Beauty Box? Or is this something you would consider?
I have been in the second-hand car industry for many years.
How have you grown as a businesswoman since starting The Beauty Box?
I have grown as a person in my own right. The Beauty Box was turning a profit from the second month already. The art of delegation is my new skill.
A little birdie informed us that you are looking to open another branch in Johannesburg – is there any truth to this? Tell us more.
We have purchased a magnificent property and are in the process of expanding our business into a conformance and spa to rival the best.
What are some of your favourite downtime venues in Johannesburg?
I am a mom, so I’m always looking for child-friendly places to go to. Other than that, I’m very happy to enjoy my home and the occasional weekend down at the coast.
What do you love about female entrepreneurs?
We are able to multitask. Through my business, I have also met incredible women who have partnered with me in various projects. I love the fact that we can support and use all our resources to expand and enhance our business experience. I partner with strong women and have had the pleasure of hosting amazing events in conjunction with them.
Do you have any advice for women looking to grow in their respective industries?
My advice is to stop and think. Never dive into anything without careful consideration. I have a group of amazing women around me who offer sound advice, giving me the confidence to either go ahead or pull the plug. Always deal with people with integrity and with a true intention.
Keep up to date with everything happening at The Beauty Box by visiting their website and liking their Facebook Page.