December 12, 2022
8:00 am
December 23, 2022
4:30 pm
Looking for ways to keep the little ones entertained during the school holiday? Then take them to the Summer Club hosted at The Sandton SPCA between 12 December and 23 December 2022.
What Can My Kids Expect From The Kids Summer Club?
The school holidays can be a challenging time for parents. Even more so during the festive season when you are trying to finish off work for the year, plan for the public holidays and festivities, shop for presents, pack for vacations, and still fit in a little R&R. This is why this initiative was born, launching the Sandton SPCA’s Kid’s Summer Club. The theme for the club is holiday care for kids who care!
The kids summer club is open to children from ages 7-12 years old. There are plenty of fun outdoor activities (and plenty shelter and indoor activities if it rains) all planned in a place where your children will be safe. Book your places now as space is limited! The cost for the club starts at R200 per child.
For More Information
Book your tickets or the summer club here.
If you enjoyed reading this listing of the kids holiday club view other upcoming events here.
Event Details
12. December
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