July 18, 2022
8:00 am
5:00 pm
The Lions Cricket family is hoping to assist the City of Joburg with its dire poverty challenges. Their initiative for Mandela Month is to “Fill up the Stands with food and hygiene hampers” and are relying on the goodwill and nature of locals to make a donation.
How Can I Be a Part of The Fill The Stands Initiative?
You can purchase a virtual ticket on Ticketpro for R120 per seat. This money is then used to purchase 1 week of food and a hygiene hamper for a family of four. Corporates with a bigger budget are encouraged to purchase a R10 000 ticket that can provide one week of relief for 80 families! So even though the stadium will be empty, the hope is to have the 32 000 seater stadium “sold out” by means of virtual tickets.
If all the tickets are sold out, 144 000 families will be provided relief during the cold, brutal Joburg winter. Ticket holders are also welcome to spend their time on Mandela Day by packing 67 hampers at the Wanders Stadium.
For More Information
For more information about the event click here.
To purchase a virtual ticket click here.
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