September 10, 2022
8:00 am
5:00 pm
Save the date! For the September edition of this monthly market. Join local vendors and entrepreneurs in the Sandton park on Saturday, 10 September 2022.
What Can I Expect From The Field Market?
With the Winter chill on its way out and longer days ahead, outdoor markets are becoming more enjoyable! So, get your friends and family together for a great day outdoors. You can look forward to the delicious food & drinks on sale as well as the local & handmade goods that you can purchase from the friendly traders. Once you’ve had a bite to eat, you can sit back and relax and listen to some live tunes as you enjoy the warmth of the winter sun. We don’t know about you, but this sounds like the perfect way to start the weekend!
It is free entry to the market and you’ll be happy to know that the venue is pet friendly (well-behaved dogs on a leash). There is also a Kids play area and some activities hosted by the arts and crafts busy to keep the little ones busy! Support small businesses at this well put together market and get some fresh air too!
For More Information
Click here to view the Field Market Facebook page.
View our other September markets taking place soon here.
Event Details
10. September
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