August 3, 2022
8:00 pm
10:00 pm
Dillan Oliphant Chooses Violence will be hosting his first country wide comedy tour starting at The Barnyard Theatre, Emperors Palace on Wednesday, 3rd August.
What Can I Expect From the Chooses Violence Tour?
The comedy show encompasses an hour of tips on how to survive in South Africa. Oliphant is known for his sharp observations and wit that leaves you in stiches! The chooses violence show is ultimately a mixture of comedy and social commentary.
In the past, Oliphant has been described as a dead-pan-one-liner comic. Furthermore, his comedy style has won him a few awards. He was named winner of the ‘Newcomer of the year award’ at the Annual SA Comic’s Choice awards for 2012. He has also been a regular feature as an opening act on Trevor Noah’s National Comedy Tours & on Trevor Noah’s Nationwild DVD.
Tickets cost R150 per person. They can be purchased here
For More Information
View his Facebook page here to get an idea of his comedy style.
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